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Please Do Not Feed The Geese
Published: July 19, 2024
We know there are many residents and patrons that love feeding the Canadian Geese and watching them thrive as part of the Riverwalk’s overall natural attraction and beauty, but unfortunately, the continual feeding of the geese is resulting in numerous concerns which include concerns for the health and well-being of the geese as well as cleanliness of the area and damages the geese are causing. Canadian Geese who become dependent upon humans feeding them lose fear of humans and can become more aggressive. Additionally, feeding wild animals’ human food can often lead to the geese falling sick of malnutrition and may even cause death if fed the wrong foods.
Feeding wildlife rather than requiring them to learn to provide for themselves causes an imbalance in the number of birds congregating on the grounds and as mentioned above, can lead to malnourishment or death. Feeding wildlife also leads to public health concerns, pollution of waterways, and increased bird feces everywhere which may result in health concerns and detracts from the aesthetic harmony strived for at Riverwalk. The geese are also causing considerable damage to landscape, vegetation, and other grounds which is resulting in repair and replacement costs not budgeted or accounted for.
Canadian Geese are federally protected; therefore, we must work together to try and balance the privilege and the responsibility of having the geese on the grounds. If we are unable to obtain that balance, removal of the geese may be required. Therefore, we are asking all Owners Not to feed the geese and to please pass this information on to your respective tenants or occupants of your residence or business.
Thank you,
Riverwalk Association, Inc., (Riverwalk at Central Park)
Board of Directors of Riverwalk Association, Inc.,
By Essex Association Management, LP, Managing Agent
Pinnacle at Riverwalk Townhomes